The bond between humans and animals is truly magical and healing. A short time with a pet can make a person forget their cares and worries and experience pure joy and happiness.

Similarly to baby fever, I got puppy fever. Every time I saw a dog or a puppy my heart would ache at the need for one of my own to love and train in my life. I needed a furry friend to call my own.
Once I adopted Mochi from the Gwinnett Humane Society, my heart was automatically full. The transition from her foster parent to my home was seamless. She was already potty and obedience trained, but I still got to teach her some new tricks. She was mine and I was hers - it was like I had picked her out of a litter myself. Due to the great care from GHS, Mochi didn't have trust issues. It was incredible of how unafraid she was of me.
Mochi and I are very attached and I could not imagine my life without adopting her. There are so many other dogs that need their forever families - adopt don't shop.