Volunteer, make
a difference.
Volunteer Opportunities
1. "Odd Jobs" team
Helping the foster parents with any odd task that they have.
2. Special events
GHS is very active in and around our community. For any of the events GHS hosts, there is a need for volunteer to help set up and administrate. We always need people to help represent GHS around town.
3. Pat-a-Pet
Do you have a special dog, cat, rabbit etc. that loves being around people? Come and share this special bond with your pet at local nursing homes and hospitals. Let others in need share the love of your pet for a little while.
4. Fundraising
GHS is a non-profit organization supported solely by donations and receives no government funding. The fundraising committee is the backbone of the organization. GHS is always looking for ways to combine fundraising and awareness. We need bright, outgoing people with fresh ideas to keep this committee exciting and moving.
5. Placement Committee
Placement is a great way to learn about animals and their care in addition to finding great “forever homes” for homeless pets. Foster homes are always needed but there are many other facets to our Placement Committee including phones lines, adoption days, planning and scheduling, and transportation.
6. Publications
In addition to our blog, we also submit articles for local print and online outlets. With so much writing to do, we need volunteers with fresh ideas and the gift of gab to help us develop and enhance our catalogue.